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Recent Projects

Donate for the projects

Your philanthropy has always been our driving force. We need your continuous support to save lives. JHCF offers an opportunity for everyone to contribute in a variety of ways. You may choose to sponsor a project from the following :

  • Heart attack project
  • Heart valve project
  • Coronary revascularisation project
  • Cardiac rehabilitation project
  • Noninvasive diagnostic set up establishment
  • Creation of funds for heart valve surgery / balloon valvoplasty to be provided to poor patients.
  • Purchase of Mobile ICCU Ambulance to be provided free to need heart attack of patients for their transportation to nearest heart hospital.
  • Funds creation for life saving medicines like clot dissolving injections

Heart Attack project

Heart attack is a second largest killer disease in our country. It occurs due to clot / block formation in blood supply of heart. First few hours are very crucial to save heart. Clot dissolving injections if given at appropriate time many heart attacks can be saved. Trust has provided free these injections to following remote hospitals where these are not available.

Heart Valve Project

Rheumatic heart disease is a very major heart illness in both young & adults in India. It afflicts millions of people specially in villages where hygiene is bad with poor socio- economic conditions. This disease manifests after 5 – 10 years of activity in the body as the damaged narrow or leaky heart valves which either needs to be repaired or replaced in order give new lease of life to patient. There are four valves in the heart and many a times more than one heart valve gets destroyed because of this disease and may require treatment.In India as majority of these patients belongs to poor socio-economy group they get neglected for various reasons before they could be offered treatment. They reach to heart specialist in very advanced stage of the disease. Open heart surgery for heart valve repair or replacement is an expansive proposition as cost of heart valve is very high ranging from Rs. 35,000/- to Rs. 60,000/- besides routine open heart surgery charges.

Overall it becomes almost impossible to get good treatment and operation for majority of these patients at private institution and there is very long waiting list at Govt. supported hospitals. Usually these poor patients die awaiting for their turn. At the same time it is also true that valve operations are life savers and brings new hope and sunshine to the family if the patient is the only earning member of the family. It also provides relief from miserable condition of heart failure from which these people suffer before operation. With these realities in background JHCF started with its HEART VALVE PROJECT Top
Coronary Revascularisation Project



The foundation has taken up two strategies to curb Coronary Artery Disease
1] To create awareness and education for coronary disease.
2] To provide support and treatment for coronary disease.

Coronary artery disease is the second largest killer in our country after infectious diseases. It claims one life every 35 seconds. Coronary artery disease manifests as Heart attacks and heart attacks affects one and all, right from younger generation to elderly and poor to rich. The life of persons suffering from heart attacks is nothing but pathetic, crippling with fear of death all the time in his mind. In remote villages where millions suffer from this disease, there is no facility even for an ECG recording leave aside further advanced investigations and treatments.

Coronary artery disease occurs as a result of many risk factors such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, smoking , high cholesterol and stressful life etc., Top
Cardiac Rehabilitation Project :

Heart attack is an unfortunate and frightening event in the life of the person who gets it. Fortunately many patients with heart attack recover very well and return to their normal activities. Similarly heart surgery also, is a major operation which transforms the life of a person. Success of surgery depends not only on doctors but also on patients who require good rehabilitation.

For a “ Better Tomorrow “ patients excellent rehabilitation program is essential. Following is the part of this project.

1] Cardiac recovery program – where healthy diet, exercise and gradual return to normally can be achieved.
2] Stress busting guidance and life style modification by yoga and stress management courses by experts.
3] Rehabilitation can not be completed unless patients return to suitable livelihood and earning. Support and guidance by foundation and other trusts is most desirable.

This is the future goal where all these activities will be provided with financial and residential support along with expert guidance.
  • Arrangement of residential accommodation
  • Risk factor reduction activity like start of program by trained Yoga specialists and Diet therapist.
Noninvasive diagnostic set up establishment:

  • Noninvasive diagnostic set up establishment for screening of heartvalve patients to establish the diagnosis. This includes purchase of followingmachines.
  • ECG recorder
  • 3D-Echo cardiography with colour Doppler facility.
  • Treadmill machine with Holter facility.
  • Mobile Van to house these machines.
  • Creation of funds for heart valve surgery / balloon valvoplasty to be provided to poor patients.